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Thursday, June 2, 2011

New Cancer Mentality: Dr. Arnold Glazier on the Requirements for Cure of Cancer: A plan of Action

New Cancer Mentality: Dr. Arnold Glazier on the Requirements for Cure of Cancer: A plan of Action from David Farzam on Vimeo.

Dr. Glazier discusses PRTT and the requirements for the cure of cancer.

Click the link below for a PDF of the interview

For additional information on the Overview of Requirements for Prevention and Cure of Metastatic Cancer click the link below

New Cancer Mentality: Dr. Arnold Glazier on the importance of Prevention on Cancer

New Cancer Mentality: Dr. Arnold Glazier on the importance of Prevention on Cancer from David Farzam on Vimeo.

In this video, Dr. Glazier emphasizes many important aspects relating to prevention on cancer risk and what can be done to avoid exposure to carcinogens.

Click the link below for a PDF of the interview